Tuesday, April 15, 2008

And now we wait . . . . (and PRGE contest)

So, the aforementioned 'big day' for Jake was today. He came home in good spirits, so that is good, but we don't actually find out the outcome for another 60 days. SUCK! I was totally stressed all day though. I tried to work, but just got frustrated with my co-workers. I tried to knit, but couldn't concentrate (and subsequently lost a needle). So, I've web browsed for the better part of the day and finished all the laundry (one household task I can do without having to really pay attention!). At least it wasn't a totally wasted day.

We are having our second contest in the PRGE, which is a bit of a 'round robin' type. My spoilee is Metal and Knit. Since these songs don't have to be punk, I start off with 'Swept Away' by The Avett Brothers. Even though our wedding isn't going to be traditional, we will most certainly be dancing to this song! (The sentimental version, the duet is so much nicer than the male only one!)


Anonymous said...

Glad that Jake came home feeling positive. Bad that you have to wait so long. It is the waiting that is the most awful thing. Keeping busy works for me too!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they are going to drag it out for 60 days!!?? How frustrating. But, at least Jake is hopeful about it.

Kathleen said...

I have two of their albums - The Con and So Jealous. I love both. It's a bit of bubblegum pop, with rockin' excitement.

kemtee said...

60 days. Shoot. Gotta love bureaucracy. At least he's got a positive attitude about it.