OK, while not exactly in the spirit of '
February is for Finishing', I do have a FO. This is my 'something green' for my Scavenger Hunt partner - a reusable shopping bag.

And, my friends, it is crochet! I started it Saturday afternoon and finished it up this morning. So darn quick! Love it! It is smaller than some, but for me, I always remember to take them shopping when I do my big trip, but if I have to run to the store on the way home from somewhere, I never have them. So, I hope she can keep this smaller one in the car or her bag to have for just such occasions! In deference to my 'February is for Finishing' goals, I did frog, the first bag I was making for her. It was knit, but I was using crappy old INOX needles doing magic loop and I just couldn't deal with it anymore. I despise magic loop, but coupled with duller than dull needles, I just didn't have the patience!
I've also been knitting on Jake's socks, which have come to be known as the socks that will not end. I FINALLY turned the heel and knit the gusset.

In case scale doesn't come across in that photo, let me tell you, that sock, from heel to top of leg is
15 inches! It is nearly an entire ball of Essential to do the leg. The only thing is the foot opening seems oddly small. I can't tell if it is just because the leg is SOOOOOOOOOO long the foot hole is dwarfed, or if it really is small. I need to have Jake try it on. I think the rest of the sock will go quickly now, I just hope I can overcome the memory of how long that leg took and actually cast on for the mate!
Last night, we went to
The Generic Theater with some friends of ours to see
Glengarry Glen Ross. I have to say how impressed I was! For community theater, and for a very tough play, the actors did an awesome job! Jake really enjoyed it, not knowing anything about it before going. My only complaint was the guy with the GINORMOUS head in front of me for the second act :) How he could possibly need to move his head every 3.8 seconds to constantly be in my way is beyond me!
I missed week 6 of Project-365 here by one day. No dog pictures this week, instead, an homage to the spring weather we've had all week.

Yes, it is early February, but my daffodils have budded and look like they will start opening soon!
I LOVE daffodils. And, I love spring. I am really ready for it, it is so cold here today.
That shopping bag is so cute!! Great job!
And when I first saw that sock I thought they were quite long! Hang in there! Definately have him try them on though before you start the foot :)
Wow. Those socks will totally be worth the effort when they are done! Gorgeous!
Very cute bag!! What a labour of love the socks are, I vote for a trying on too, before you start the foot. I hope the foot is shorter!! Oh, the first signs of Spring!! We will all be watching soon for the first sign of Autumn!!
Jeez-a-lou! That is a LONG sock! Better have him try it on soon, you don't want to have to redo all that work. Suddenly my "never ending" socks don't seem so long.
geesh! I am so jealous. It is -7 degrees here today. I'd love to see flowers peeking thru the soil.
With the wind chill, it feels like below 0 here in NYC today. So, I just loved seeing the photo of your budding daffodils! Thanks for reminding us that spring is right around the corner.
Your daffodils are much further along than mine are. The tips have only poked their head through the ground and mulch. I imagine they'll be opening up by early next month though. I can't wait. I love Spring.
Now isn't that ingenious! A "GREEN" bag in THAT sense - very smart! And cute too :D
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