AAH! School is seriously impacting my knitting and I am going through minor withdrawal! I didn't expect one class to take so much time! I took two classes at a time when I did my MS and that didn't take this much time each week! I also didn't expect to be so decisive (as I am notoriously indecisive). Now, six weeks into the class, I am understanding that the class is less about HOW to design, more about how to PRESENT your design and starting to learn the techniques of drawings. I'm actually quite enjoying the drawing portion, even though I am deathly slow at it. But, my floor plan is now set. This week, I need to make final furniture selections so that I can draw my elevations, and then it should be downhill from here, doing material boards, finishes, etc. That stuff is all just compiling rather than deciding/creating, though, so shouldn't take as much weekly time. I love my design, though I can't take all the credit. . . I had a main idea, and then the teacher came to us all and 'tweaked' everyone who already had a rough sketch. By tweaked, I mean redid so that it makes a lot more sense! LOL!
The only knitting going on is the foot on Jake's sock (still!) and I also cast on and just finished the gusset decreases on my 2nd Jeezny Cricket sock. I think I will only be able to finish those socks and Sheldon (who just needs an applied I-cord now) in the February is for Finishing time frame. Then, come march, I am casting on for something with bigger needles -- All my current WIPs are on Sz 4s or smaller! I think I may re-attempt Lelah, and then really do some work on Sizzle.
I realized this morning why I had such an urge to work on my Jeezny Cricket socks. .. serious spring fever! Which was satisfied by some blooming daffodils!

(click for a clearer image. . . I still can't figure out why flickr links come out blurry!)
Finally, taken on time but not posted on time, my week 8 Project 365 picture. The puppies in their most comfortable spot, lounging on the couch with Jake!
Wow, you have green things in your yard!? I am so jealous. All we have is very cold white stuff. Lots of it.
I, too, am so jealous of the daffodils! And the puppies look so cute :)
I can't wait for spring. I am so envious of your daffodils. Mine are still little shoots; you can barely see them above the layer of mulch.
I'm enjoying my daffodils too.
Design school is pretty intense. Inour program only 25% of the 1st year students made it to graduation. I hope you're enjoying the process.
I was just thinking that since the swap is over you probably don't check your IK email. I sent you an email there the other day...I don't have your regular email address. Could you send it to me. Thanks
I didn't see your socks at first, I thought they were part of a shrub near the daffodils!! They are truly Springy!! Today is apparently World Pet Day, and whilst I never think of The Labradors as pets, I am glad there is a day to honour animal companions. I see your animal companions celebrate Every day!!!!
Awwww.....look at those puppies!! Too cute!! That's Bailey's and Puddle's favorite spot to...on the recliner with dad!
Nice daffodils. I can see the socks fine :) Cute pups too!
I'm seriously jealous! You will never see a picture of Mr Puffy on our laps - he just isn't a lap dog. Hang in there - class will be over soon and it's one more necessary step behind you. Love the socks - very Springy!
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